Apple Leverages Google’s Chips to Train AI Models, Research Paper Reveals

Apple and Google logos with AI model training

Apple has reportedly used chips designed by Google to train two key components of its artificial intelligence (AI) software infrastructure, according to a research paper published on Monday. This decision marks a significant departure from the industry norm of using Nvidia’s highly sought-after AI processors.

Key Takeaways

  • Apple used Google’s tensor processing units (TPUs) instead of Nvidia’s GPUs to train its AI models.
  • The company utilized 2,048 TPUv5p chips for its device AI model and 8,192 TPUv4 processors for its server AI model.
  • Apple’s reliance on Google’s cloud infrastructure is notable given Nvidia’s dominance in the AI processor market.
  • The research paper did not mention any use of Nvidia hardware.
  • Apple unveiled new AI features at its June developer conference, including the integration of OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology.

Apple’s Strategic Shift

Apple’s decision to use Google’s TPUs instead of Nvidia’s GPUs is a notable shift in the tech landscape. Nvidia, which commands roughly 80% of the AI processor market, is known for its graphics processing units (GPUs) that are widely used in AI applications. In contrast, Google offers its TPUs through its Google Cloud Platform, requiring customers to build software within its ecosystem to utilize the chips.

Details from the Research Paper

The research paper revealed that Apple used two flavors of Google’s TPUs, organized in large clusters, to train its AI models. Specifically:

  • Device AI Model: Utilized 2,048 TPUv5p chips.
  • Server AI Model: Deployed 8,192 TPUv4 processors.

Apple’s engineers noted that even larger and more sophisticated models could be developed using Google’s chips.

Market Implications

Apple’s reliance on Google’s cloud infrastructure is significant, especially given Nvidia’s market dominance. Nvidia’s GPUs are typically sold as standalone products, whereas Google’s TPUs are accessible only through its cloud platform. This strategic choice by Apple could signal a shift in how tech companies approach AI model training.

New AI Features

At its June developer conference, Apple unveiled a range of new AI features, including the integration of OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology into its software. These advancements highlight Apple’s commitment to enhancing its AI capabilities, potentially setting the stage for more innovative applications in the future.

Stock Market Reaction

Despite the groundbreaking revelations, Apple’s stock saw a minor dip of 0.1%, closing at $218.24 in regular trading on Monday. This slight decline suggests that investors are still digesting the implications of Apple’s strategic choices in the AI domain.


Apple’s decision to use Google’s TPUs for training its AI models marks a significant departure from industry norms and could have far-reaching implications for the tech landscape. As Apple continues to innovate and integrate advanced AI features, it will be interesting to see how this strategic shift influences its market position and future developments.


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