Samsung Faces Backlash for Alleged ‘Cloning’ of Apple Products at Galaxy Unpacked Event

Samsung and Apple logos in a courtroom setting, facing off.

Samsung’s recent Galaxy Unpacked event has sparked controversy, with critics accusing the tech giant of mimicking Apple’s product designs. The event showcased new smartphones, smartwatches, and earbuds, but the similarities between Samsung’s new offerings and Apple’s products have drawn significant attention and criticism.

Key Takeaways

  • Samsung unveiled new products at its Galaxy Unpacked event, including the Galaxy Watch Ultra and Galaxy Buds 3 series.
  • Critics claim these new products closely resemble Apple’s Apple Watch Ultra and AirPods, respectively.
  • The controversy has overshadowed other announcements from the event, such as Samsung’s new foldable smartphones.

Samsung’s New Releases

At the Galaxy Unpacked event, Samsung introduced a range of new products, including the Galaxy Watch Ultra smartwatch and the Galaxy Buds 3 series of earbuds. These products were expected to compete with Apple’s Apple Watch Ultra and AirPods. However, many observers noted striking similarities between Samsung’s new offerings and Apple’s existing products.

Accusations of Copying

Social media users, tech reviewers, and journalists have been vocal about their disapproval. YouTuber Quinn Nelson of Snazzy Labs described the Galaxy Watch Ultra as "the most shameless copy of an Apple product in ages." Similarly, the Galaxy Buds 3 series has been criticized for its resemblance to Apple’s AirPods.

Design Similarities

The Galaxy Watch Ultra features a titanium case, an orange "Quick Button," and a "marine" band option, which are strikingly similar to the Apple Watch Ultra’s design elements. The Galaxy Buds 3 Pro and Galaxy Buds 3 also bear a close resemblance to Apple’s AirPods, both in form and function.

Media Reactions

News outlets like The Verge and Business Insider have also highlighted the similarities. Business Insider’s headline read, "Samsung’s new ‘Ultra’ watch and earbuds are shameless Apple copycats," while The Verge criticized the Galaxy Buds 3 for their "AirPods-esque" design.

Samsung’s Response

In response to the criticism, Samsung stated that the design choices for its new smartwatch and earbuds were made to ensure comfort, usability, and durability. However, the company did not address the accusations of copying Apple’s designs.

Other Announcements

Despite the controversy, Samsung also unveiled other innovative products at the event, including new iterations of its foldable smartphones, the Galaxy Z Fold and Z Flip. These products represent areas where Samsung continues to lead in innovation, as Apple has yet to release its own foldable devices.


While Samsung’s new products have generated excitement, the accusations of copying Apple have overshadowed the event. The controversy highlights the ongoing competition between the two tech giants and raises questions about originality and innovation in the tech industry.


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